Trimming the bark: Bill trims an Elm greenwood log for alveolate barge turning। The elm timberline was cut bottomward in Lafayette California because it was interfering with electrical ability lines.

Mount the copse on the lathe: The axis bare is army with faceplate and alive centermost in the appendage stock। The bare bore does not acquiesce allowance for the apparatus blow on the lathe bed to be acclimated so an abetting apparatus blow is acclimated clamped to the lathe table.

Reduce Speed: Homemade "jack shaft" acceleration reducer cuts the lathe acceleration to about 400 rpms. The bargain acceleration is sometimes all-important for asymmetric turnings. The lower acceleration seems to assignment accomplished for all annular axis and sanding as वेल

Rough turned cylinder:The turning blank is rough turned to a cylinder shape and is ready for exterior shaping।

Shaping the exterior: The tool rest is removed to better display the exterior shape of the soon to be hollow turning।

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