Saturday, March 27, 2010

How to Use a Mini Copse Lathe-article-

Although the pen maker can, duke carve the pens and assignment the centers on a assignment press, it is far easier to use a multi-speed mini lathe, giving the pen maker abounding ascendancy over the conception of axis the pen.

Preparing the Pen Blanks

Mark and analyze the top and basal of the pen blank.

The additional footfall in authoritative a pen is conduct the pen blank. Align the pen bare with the assignment bit, in the assignment press. The bore of the assignment bit is bent by the admeasurement of the automated belly of the pen actuality created.

Use an awl to announce the centermost of the pen blank. Assignment appear the end of the cap or basal of the pen blank. The pen maker should go boring as they abreast the end of the pen blank, so not to assignment all the way through.

Turning the Copse Pen on the Lathe

Place the pen on the lathe with the top of the pen at the arch of the lathe. First, annular the ends of the bare to abreast the bushing bore with a ½-inch Skew. Once the bore is reduced, the pen turner will alpha alive from the centermost to the edges of the pen in continued connected distinct passes. The pen turner will cut from the edges into the centermost of the pen bare to accord it a asperous shape.

Using average emery sandpaper, the pen maker will wet beach the apparent of the pen. To abstain sanding scuffs on the surface, accumulate the sanding cardboard affective and accumulate the edges of the sanding cardboard abroad from the surface. With the lathe running, accumulate the bolt affective aback and alternating beyond the pen blank. Backlighting the activity will acquiesce the pen maker to see area on the apparent needs added polishing.

Assembling The Handcrafted Board Pen

The final footfall is accumulating the accomplished pen. The pen brand will abode the top and basal sections of the pen assimilate the Pen Assembly Press. Starting with the top area columnist the automated pieces of the pen into the top and basal accomplished pen blanks.

Wooden pen sets booty on the personality of the copse turner, and anniversary pen set will appearance the adulation the copse adept acclimated to actualize them. They are best stored in custom board boxes, with the date of the conception and the name of the copse enthusiast’s name engraved on the basal of the pen box.

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